Monday, December 31, 2012
A Pretty Young Girl Named Tess - The Real Loch Ness Monster - Limericks For Children
There was a pretty, young girl named Tess
In Scotland she lived, no less
But she was nasty and mean -
The worst you have seen
The Monster, she was, of Loch Ness.
Winter Limericks For Kids - A Penguin Named Grace
There once was a penguin named Grace
She slipped and she fell on her face
She walked to the doc
Then went into shock
So he put her bent bill in a brace.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON'S KINDLE STORE A Pirate Named Molly - 56 Limericks For Kids
A PIRATE NAMED MOLLY - 56 LIMERICKS FOR KIDS contains 56 all-new limericks targeted for kids in grades 3 through 6. The limericks range from the traditional There Once Was A Pirate Named Molly to the folklore inspired There Once Was A Naughty Young Shepherd. Holidays and nursery rhyme adaptations are also well represented.
Included are a How-To-Write-A-Limerick Guide and a Rhyming Word Cheat Sheet. These two tools can launch readers on their limerick writing journey. But whether or not readers write limericks, the goal is to have fun with words.
Included are a How-To-Write-A-Limerick Guide and a Rhyming Word Cheat Sheet. These two tools can launch readers on their limerick writing journey. But whether or not readers write limericks, the goal is to have fun with words.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
There Once Was A Pious Young Priest - Vintage Limericks
There once was a pious young priest
Who lived almost wholly on yeast
"For," he said, "It is plain
We must all rise again
And I want to get started, at least."
Who lived almost wholly on yeast
"For," he said, "It is plain
We must all rise again
And I want to get started, at least."
Friday, December 28, 2012
Cream of Wheat Limerick - An Infant Named Ethelbert Wyatt
An infant named Ethelbert Wyatt,
For the first solid food in his diet,
Got smo-o-o-th "Cream of Wheat"
Said he, "It's replete
With flavor and nourishment, try it!"
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Lear Classics - There Was An Old Person Of Bree (Not The Bree In The Shire)
There was an old person of Bree,
Who frequented the depths of the sea;
She nurs'd the small fishes,
And washed all the dishes,
And swam back again into Bree.
Who frequented the depths of the sea;
She nurs'd the small fishes,
And washed all the dishes,
And swam back again into Bree.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Rudolph Had A Nose That Was Red - Christmas Limerick For Kids
Rudolph had a nose that was red
And he heard what the other deer said
But the weather was bad
And Santa just had
To use Rudolph to guide his old sled.
And he heard what the other deer said
But the weather was bad
And Santa just had
To use Rudolph to guide his old sled.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Night Before Christmas - A Limerick
With hope St. Nick would be there
All those in the house
(Including the mouse)
Went to bed with a heart-felt prayer.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Nat King Cole - Christmas Song Limerick
There once was a chestnut named Nat
In the middle of the fire he sat
He sang and he boasted
About how he was roasted
And we've all heard the song about that!
In the middle of the fire he sat
He sang and he boasted
About how he was roasted
And we've all heard the song about that!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Frosty The Snowman - A Limerick
With his hat, he really could go, man
As the weather got hot
Though, the smaller he got
Until, at last, there was no man.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Smart Little Kid - A Bicycle Postcard Limerick
There once was a smart little kid
Whose bike went astray on a skid
The bystanders heard
Just one little word -
It's a pity they did - but they did.
Whose bike went astray on a skid
The bystanders heard
Just one little word -
It's a pity they did - but they did.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
We Three Kings - Christmas Limerick Style
We kings of Orient are
With gifts we travel afar
Field and fountain
Moor and mountain
Following yonder star
Born on Bethlehem's plain
I've gold to crown him again
King forever
Ceasing never
Over us all to reign
Incense to offer have I
To honor a deity nigh
Prayer and praising
All men raising
Worship him God most high
Myrrh is bitter perfume
It breathes of gathering gloom
Sorrowing, sighing
Bleeding, dying
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb
So glorious behold him rise
King, and God, and Sacrifice
Earth to heaven replies
O wondrous star of night
With royal beauty bright
Westward leading
Still proceeding
Show us the Perfect Light
With gifts we travel afar
Field and fountain
Moor and mountain
Following yonder star
Born on Bethlehem's plain
I've gold to crown him again
King forever
Ceasing never
Over us all to reign
Incense to offer have I
To honor a deity nigh
Prayer and praising
All men raising
Worship him God most high
Myrrh is bitter perfume
It breathes of gathering gloom
Sorrowing, sighing
Bleeding, dying
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb
So glorious behold him rise
King, and God, and Sacrifice
Earth to heaven replies
O wondrous star of night
With royal beauty bright
Westward leading
Still proceeding
Show us the Perfect Light
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Saturday Evening Post Limerick Contest
Our man George had a bit of a frown,
As he stood in his barely closed gown,
He checked the diploma,
Of young Doctor Roma,
He surely did miss old Doc Brown.
As he stood in his barely closed gown,
He checked the diploma,
Of young Doctor Roma,
He surely did miss old Doc Brown.
Monday, December 17, 2012
A Snowball Named Jill - Winter Limericks For Kids
There once was a snowball named Jill
She wanted to roll down the hill
Down from the top
She never did stop
I suppose she is rolling down still.
She wanted to roll down the hill
Down from the top
She never did stop
I suppose she is rolling down still.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Bells Are Boldly Ringing - Christmas Limerick
The bells are boldly ringing
The choirs - triumphantly singing
The earth resounds
With heavenly sounds
And Christ - peace and joy is bringing.
The choirs - triumphantly singing
The earth resounds
With heavenly sounds
And Christ - peace and joy is bringing.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Hobbit Movie - An Unexpected Journey Limerick
Was Bilbo a lad from the Shire,
Or was he a burglar for hire?
He passed the test
In Part 1 of the quest
But next is the dragon's fire.
Or was he a burglar for hire?
He passed the test
In Part 1 of the quest
But next is the dragon's fire.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Winter Limericks For Kids - A Fir Tree Named Doug
There once was a fir tree named Doug
He bore the north wind with a shrug
With nothing to show
But a blanket of snow
He was snug as a bug in a rug.
He bore the north wind with a shrug
With nothing to show
But a blanket of snow
He was snug as a bug in a rug.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
An Elf Named Molly - Christmas Limericks For Kids
There once was an elf named Molly
She braided her hair with holly
She helped Santa make toys
For good girls and boys
Her favorite - a drinks and wets dolly.
She braided her hair with holly
She helped Santa make toys
For good girls and boys
Her favorite - a drinks and wets dolly.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
St. Nicholas Brings Pleasure - A Santa Claus Limerick Poem
I know that St. Nick brings pleasure
To all, in bounteous measure
And I hope you're there
When he calls with your share
And you receive your Christmas treasure.
To all, in bounteous measure
And I hope you're there
When he calls with your share
And you receive your Christmas treasure.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Advice From Churchill - A Limerick
If you're walking through hell, keep going,
The embers around, they'll keep glowing,
Don't stop on your trek,
Eyes forward, don't wreck,
The pain that you feel is you growing.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Santa Checking His List - A Christmas Limerick For Children
There once was a boy named Cole
He mailed his list to the Pole
But he fought with his brother
And lied to his mother
So Santa just gave him some coal.
He mailed his list to the Pole
But he fought with his brother
And lied to his mother
So Santa just gave him some coal.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
A Prohibition Limerick - Down With Liquor!
This female, whose one inspiration
Was that rum meant eternal damnation
Put our town on the blink
In her campaign on drink
And we dried up from liquid starvation.
Was that rum meant eternal damnation
Put our town on the blink
In her campaign on drink
And we dried up from liquid starvation.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Bells O'er Belfast - A Christmas Limerick (With a Nod to the Irish Rovers)
When you hear the bells o'er Belfast
You pray that the peace there will last
Perhaps the bells' pealing
Will help with the healing
And the past will remain in the past.
You pray that the peace there will last
Perhaps the bells' pealing
Will help with the healing
And the past will remain in the past.
Joys of Cigarettes - A Limerick Poem
May your cares disappear in the ashes
Or into the dim clouds ascend
Thus may all strife
Depart from your life
And enjoyment be yours to the end
Or into the dim clouds ascend
Thus may all strife
Depart from your life
And enjoyment be yours to the end
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Women's Suffrage - An Impertinent Limerick
There was an old man who said - How
Shall I flee from this horrible cow?
I will sit on this stile
And continue to smile
Which may soften the heart of this cow
Shall I flee from this horrible cow?
I will sit on this stile
And continue to smile
Which may soften the heart of this cow
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
If He Acts Like A Nasty Old Grinch (A Christmas Limerick)
If he acts like a nasty old grinch,
And the sight of him makes you flinch,
Treat him with kindness,
Perhaps you will mind less,
Though his heart grows not even an inch.
Monday, December 3, 2012
A Christmas Donkey Named Ranger - Christmas Limericks For Kids
There once was a donkey named Ranger
He sensed there was some sort of danger
He ran to the stable
As quickly as able
And saw Jesus born in the manger.
He sensed there was some sort of danger
He ran to the stable
As quickly as able
And saw Jesus born in the manger.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
A Rascal Named Paul - Christmas Limericks For Children
A clever young rascal named Paul
Thought he'd capture St. Nick, pack and all;
He plastered with glue
Both the fireplace and flue -
But Santa came in through the hall!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Girls Are Mad On The Tango - Dance Limerick Poetry
We girls are all mad on the TANGO
In this dance we certainly CAN GO
To get the steps right
We must be hugged tight
So we can't (if we would) let the MAN GO.
In this dance we certainly CAN GO
To get the steps right
We must be hugged tight
So we can't (if we would) let the MAN GO.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Winter Limericks For Children - A Penguin Named Grace
There once was a penguin named Grace
She slipped and she fell on her face
She went to the doc
And went into shock
So he put her bent bill in a brace.
She slipped and she fell on her face
She went to the doc
And went into shock
So he put her bent bill in a brace.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Pelican Family Limerick Poetry
We are a pelican family
Queerer birds you'll never see
With beaks so elastic
We look quite fantastic
But at fishing, we're tops, you'll agree
Queerer birds you'll never see
With beaks so elastic
We look quite fantastic
But at fishing, we're tops, you'll agree
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Christmas Limericks For Kids - A Reindeer Named Paige
There was a young reindeer named Paige
She flew very well for her age
But instead of flying
She'd rather be trying
To dance The Nutcracker on stage.
She flew very well for her age
But instead of flying
She'd rather be trying
To dance The Nutcracker on stage.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Hobbit Movie - Another Limerick
The facts in the matter don't lie,
When he saw the Ring,
He needed the thing,
His hands in his pockets? Oh my!
Winter Limericks For Kids - A Snowman Named Scott
There once was a snowman named Scott
He didn't do well when hot
He was having some fun
When out came the sun
And now our friend Scott is not!
He didn't do well when hot
He was having some fun
When out came the sun
And now our friend Scott is not!
Monday, November 26, 2012
An Elf Named Clare - Christmas Limericks For Children
There was a pretty young elf named Clare
She picked out her clothes with great care
Her friends said to hurry
"Just wear something furry,"
But she couldn't decide what to wear.
A Maid Demure - A Vintage Leap Year Limerick Postcard
She wants a man for sure.
She's had one or two,
But they will not do,
So another she'll try to secure.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tuck Limerick Postcard - The Color Blind Painter
On the poor man who thinks he can paint!
With artistic ideals,
His head fairly reels,
But his daubs are so mystic and quaint!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Merry Christmas Children's Limerick
Listen to the bright chimes a' ringing
And hear the young children singing
With love in the land
These words from my hand
On this card, merry greetings are bringing.
And hear the young children singing
With love in the land
These words from my hand
On this card, merry greetings are bringing.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Christmas Greetings Limerick (Christ Today Is Born)
Oh sing this blessed morn
To us a Child is born
A Son is given
By God from Heaven
Christ today is born
To us a Child is born
A Son is given
By God from Heaven
Christ today is born
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Christmas Advertising Limerick - 1938 Kayser Advertising
"This Christmas," said lovely Yvonne
"I'll be light on your pocketbook, John!
Kayser hosiery will be
Just the right gift for me
If you make it sheer 'Kay-Twist' chiffon!"
"I'll be light on your pocketbook, John!
Kayser hosiery will be
Just the right gift for me
If you make it sheer 'Kay-Twist' chiffon!"
There Once Was A Nursemaid Named Lottie (Before Paternity Testing Advances!)
There once was a nursemaid named Lottie
Who on soldiers and sailors was potty
Now she's quite in a stew
Between khaki and blue
And the problem is driving her dotty!
Who on soldiers and sailors was potty
Now she's quite in a stew
Between khaki and blue
And the problem is driving her dotty!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanksgiving Limericks For Kids - A Turkey Named Kate
There once was a turkey named Kate
She needed to change her sad fate
When she saw the sharp knife
She ran for her life
And flew through the front barnyard gate!
She needed to change her sad fate
When she saw the sharp knife
She ran for her life
And flew through the front barnyard gate!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
For A Girl That Is Pretty, I Keen (Green Bonnet Limerick)
For a girl that is pretty, I keen
Whether forty or just sweet sixteen
Here's the latest in style
'Twill look well with a, "Tile"
And vie with the verdure so green.
Whether forty or just sweet sixteen
Here's the latest in style
'Twill look well with a, "Tile"
And vie with the verdure so green.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Rhyming Words Are Dandy
There once was a guy named Randy
He thought rhyming words were dandy
Whenever he heard
An interesting word
He put it in his notebook handy
He thought rhyming words were dandy
Whenever he heard
An interesting word
He put it in his notebook handy
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Ohio State Michigan Football Limerick
There is now a team from Michigan,
To beat OSU is their wish again,
But losing it late,
Seems likely their fate,
That vict'ry, those boys, they will miss again.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thanksgiving Blessings Limerick
Thanksgiving Day is drawing nigh
I pray that it may find you well
May your heart be light
And your face be bright
As each of your blessings you tell
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thankful For The Sunshine - Thanksgiving Limerick
I'm thankful for the sunshine
For the birds and skies of blue
But I'm thankful most
When I can boast
Of real friends just like you
For the birds and skies of blue
But I'm thankful most
When I can boast
Of real friends just like you
A Certain Young Woman Named Hannah - Vintage Limericks
A certain young woman named Hannah
Slipped down on a piece of banana
She shrieked and oh, my'd
And more stars she spied
Than belong on the star-spangled banner
Slipped down on a piece of banana
She shrieked and oh, my'd
And more stars she spied
Than belong on the star-spangled banner
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
There Was An Old Lady Of Rye - Vintage Limericks
There was an old lady of Rye
Who was baked by mistake in a pie
To the household's disgust
She emerged through the crust
And exclaimed, with a yawn, "Where am I?"
Who was baked by mistake in a pie
To the household's disgust
She emerged through the crust
And exclaimed, with a yawn, "Where am I?"
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thanksgiving Day Turkey Limerick Poem Postcard
Thanksgiving Day is drawing nigh
I pray it may find you well
May your heart be light
And your face be bright
As each of your blessings you tell
I pray it may find you well
May your heart be light
And your face be bright
As each of your blessings you tell
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Children's Thanksgiving Limerick - A Turkey Named Anne
There once was a turkey named Anne
She gobbled whenever she ran
Her feathers, always ruffled
Her voice, never muffled
But she still ended up in the pan
She gobbled whenever she ran
Her feathers, always ruffled
Her voice, never muffled
But she still ended up in the pan
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Veteran's Day Limerick - Social Media

We're sitting here tweeting and friending,
So let's stop all the pretending,
The freedoms we use,
Are easy to lose,
So honor those who've served, defending.
If You Think That We're Cocky And Boastful - Statler Hotel Vintage Advertising Limericks
Of the hundreds of ways that we're hostful
The Statlers will show you
The reasons we know you
Will find that of comforts we're most full!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Turkey Parade - Thanksgiving Limericks
There was a young turkey named Jenny
Siblings and friends? She had many
But if after the feasts
You look for the beasts
You'd soon find out there weren't any
Siblings and friends? She had many
But if after the feasts
You look for the beasts
You'd soon find out there weren't any
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thanksgiving Turkey Limericks For Kids?
Jake was a happy young turkey
In fact, you might call him perky
But that little bird
Was so sad when he heard
That he soon would be pemmican jerky
In fact, you might call him perky
But that little bird
Was so sad when he heard
That he soon would be pemmican jerky
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