To this overly cautious young chap Who inquired if she would mayhap Squeal for help if he kissed her She replied, "I would mister But I must'nt disturb Daddy's nap."
Three kings of Orient are With gifts we travel afar Field and fountain Moor and mountain Following yonder star Born on Bethlehem's plain I've gold to crown him again King forever Ceasing never Over us all to reign Incense to offer have I To honor a deity nigh Prayer and praising All men raising Worship him God most high Myrrh is bitter perfume It breathes of gathering gloom Sorrowing, sighing Bleeding, dying Sealed in the stone-cold tomb So glorious behold him rise King, and God, and Sacrifice Alleluia Alleluia Earth to heaven replies O wondrous star of night With royal beauty bright Westward leading Still proceeding Show us the Perfect Light
There once was an elf from Helsinki He picked at his nose with his pinkie But when it got stuck His friend muttered, "Yuck." And went back to eating his Twinkie.
There was a young elf named McWeezer His job was to clean Santa's freezer It's sad, but it's true His nose, it turned blue He was, we know now, quite the sneezer.
I hope that your Christmas is merry, And your jolly St. Nick is hairy, But remember the reason, for this joyous season, Is Jesus, and Joseph, and Mary. From A Pirate Named Molly, copyright 2013, Randy Imwalle
There was a young sleigh bell named Tingle She loved to ring and to jingle She shined herself bright 'Cause on Christmas Eve night She'll be on the sled of Kris Kringle.
Consider the humble brown raisin It's always demure, never brazen But when the issue is stuffing They'll be huffing and puffing The fights that it starts are amazin'.
Young Edward said he didn't care 'Bout the witches and bats in the air But he wasn't so smug When they made him a bug In the web of a spider's dark lair.
If the hull of your vessel is leakin' And safety your crew is seekin' Through the wind and the gale, The storm and the hail, Just search for the candy-striped beacon!
There was a young maid of the Isles Whose face was pervaded with smiles She sung, "Highdumdiddle," And played on the fiddle That amiable maid of the Isles.
The "Hello" Girl's voice is so sweet, That you ask her to kindly repeat; But perchance you may find, She's less gracious or kind, If you met face to face on the street.
There was an old gourmet called Lamb Who indulged in a weakness for hamb; When they brought him some bacon, He said, "You're mistaken, For this stuff, I don't care a damb!"
The much-married man should not talk, At strenuous duties ne'er balk, When at two in the morn, He takes his first born (Whether triplets or twins) for a walk!
The card-playing maid is the "limit," Her mind's on the cards ev'ry minute; If she loses the prize, Oh, how deeply she sighs, "'Tis so awful not to be in it!"
For Saint Patrick, Mike wears a cravat, Also proves for his saint he stands pat; For you see at a glance, At the base of his pants, Where he wears on each foot a green spat.
His outfit is quite up-to-date And his guns of a pattern most late He is a wonderful sport Of the deadliest sort But the rabbits and birds seem first-rate.
This youngster is sure he's a sport The devilish, dangerous sort If he grows any worse He'll need a new a new nurse For on brains and good sense he is short.
I knew Wooden Shoe made beer, But look at this label right here. It says soup from turtle Clears the meatless hurdle And your Lenten observance is clear.
You can tell by the tint of his nose And the bedraggled state of his clothes He's just a poor bum Addicted to rum It's the greatest of all of his foes.
There once was a smile so contagious That it spread in a way quite outrageous Then started a laugh Which reached more than half The people it met of all ages
A scalp-wise young blade from Peconic Kept his hair neat with Vaseline Hair Tonic 'Neath hot summer sun He swam and had fun And returned with his hair - to Peconic
The Bucks and the Ducks are in it Which team do you think will win it? Both teams can score But who will get more? They might need point 8 points a minute? 60 minutes x .8 ppm = 48 points
The Bucks played the Tide and won And now the Southeastern is done But it'll be war again When the Bucks play Oregon I think that these playoffs are fun.