A PUMPKIN NAMED LILLY is the second book in Randy Imwalle's 56 LIMERICKS FOR KIDS series, following A PIRATE NAMED MOLLY. A PUMPKIN NAMED LILLY contains 56 all-new limericks. The limericks range from the traditional There Once Was A Boy Named Josh to the nursery-rhyme inspired The First Piggy Went To The Store. Holiday limericks include A Pumpkin Named Lilly. Riddle limericks include I'm Green When I Pop In The Spring.
Many of the limericks are impertinent, it goes with the genre. Some end in tragedy, while others are nonsense. All of the limericks will make a kid think - about words, about choices, and about consequences.
Also included are a How-To-Write-A-Limerick Guide and a Rhyming-Word Cheat Sheet. These two tools make writing limericks easy and fun for kids and adults - Randy uses the Cheat Sheet every day!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
For Irish Music Addicts - The Dublin Irish Festival
Your endless hunger to feed,
Please have no fear,
Dublin O. is quite near,
Just get there with all proper speed.
Kerry Bog Pony Limerick - See A Bog Pony at the Dublin Irish Festival!
And you don't mind a beast that is hairy
Then this you must heed
With all proper speed,
"Get a tough pony from Kerry."
Thursday, July 24, 2014
An American Pickers Wannabe Limerick
I dream of becoming a picker,
Of making my billfold thicker.
I want to be like
Those guys, Frank and Mike,
And bargain, and haggle, and dicker.
Of making my billfold thicker.
I want to be like
Those guys, Frank and Mike,
And bargain, and haggle, and dicker.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Lewis Carroll Limerick - Lucy O'Finner
His sister, called Lucy O’Finner,
Grew constantly thinner and thinner;
The reason was plain,
She slept out in the rain,
And was never allowed any dinner.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Tuck Limerick Postcard - The Bookkeeper
Sending statements out in a hurry
Makes the bookkeeper fret and flurry
For to tally amounts
With his ledger accounts
Is a source of continual worry.
Makes the bookkeeper fret and flurry
For to tally amounts
With his ledger accounts
Is a source of continual worry.